Bitlife Guide: how to become an astronaut ( All Answers)

Calling all future space explorers! Do you dream of becoming a legendary BitLife astronaut? Unlike other careers, this path requires dedication and specific qualifications – including mastering the technical training. This guide will equip you with both the BitLife astronaut answers and the comprehensive strategy you need to reach for the stars.
We’ll break down the entire process, step-by-step, ensuring a smooth journey.
Important note: To unlock the astronaut career, you’ll need the Astronaut Special Career Pack or the Boss Mode add-on. Don’t worry, we’ll cover all your options within this guide!
how to become an astronaut in bitlife

There are three tasks for your character to follow to become an Astronaut: getting a STEM degree, going to the Space Academy to train, and finally applying to a Space Agency. The first step here can be confusing, but your character only needs to enter a university to begin studying. Sign up for a science, mathematics, engineering, or technology major to receive a STEM degree in BitLife when you graduate.
The next step involves taking 40 hours of flight lessons, which cost a few thousand dollars to take in BitLife. You will find this extra training through the Activities menu, then in the Licenses category, where you can find Flight School as an option. After you take the time to go through courses, head back to Licenses and pick the Pilot’s License to answer a question correctly for the certification.
Now you’re ready to head to the Space Academy, which can be attended by going to the Occupation menu and selecting Astronaut from the Special Careers. Apply for the program in BitLife and pay for two years of training in the Fitness, Flight, and Technical courses. You will need to answer several quiz questions that challenge what you learn to graduate from the Academy.
Astronaut Tips
This guide compiles insights from your first astronaut playthrough in BitLife, offering valuable tips and tricks to excel in this exciting career path.
Becoming an Astronaut
- Nationality Matters: Ensure you’re from a country with a space program: US, France, Russia, Canada, Japan, India, UK, Poland, Australia, Malaysia, Italy, Hungary, or Germany.
- Academic Excellence: Graduate high school with good grades. Pursue a STEM degree in college (Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, or Information Systems). Consider joining STEM clubs to boost your chances of entering space academy.
- Space Camp Advantage: Attend space camp if possible for an extra edge.
- Pilot License Required: Obtain a pilot license by completing 40 hours of flight school and passing the pilot test.
Training and Career Progression
- Space Academy: Apply for space academy, diligently train, and graduate to become eligible for astronaut careers.
- Sharpening Technical Skills: Apply for orbital missions (research experiments and spacewalks). Choose the correct options to improve your technical skills. If you fail, force close the app before the results appear and try again.
Missions and Discoveries
- Acquiring Artifacts: During missions, volunteer for tasks and choose the option to pick up discovered artifacts.
- Deciphering Messages: To decipher extraterrestrial messages (after unlocking the probe and transmitting one yourself), follow the provided hints. Look for recurring letters and choose the option that aligns with the pattern.
- Discovering Celestial Bodies: Unlock the probe (available at Captain rank) and wait for it to discover galaxies, asteroids, nebulae, planets, or stars (may take years).
Probe Management
- Unlocking the Probe: Reach Captain rank.
- Successful Probe Design: Balance structural materials, software engineering, and technical equipment for a higher success rate. The budget fluctuates with each design attempt.
- Lunar and Martian Exploration: Achieve Major rank for lunar missions and General rank for Martian exploration.
Flight Simulation
- Staying Stable: Focus on keeping the rocket centered and stable during the simulation for more space and time to avoid asteroids. In case of errors, force close the app before exiting the simulation.
Building Reputation
- Positive Reviews: Strive for excellent peer reviews on your publications and mission performances. Publications can come from deciphered messages, discovered cosmic anomalies, and mission-acquired artifacts. Remember to publish them from the discoveries tab. If you receive negative reviews or a reputation drop, utilize the restart trick.
Scanning and Publishing Success (Credits to u/ScientistPutrid8263)
This section provides a detailed guide to scanning success for each celestial body, including the recommended frequencies and potential findings.
Saving Earth
This is a random minigame where you tap the screen to destroy an asteroid during your yearly aging process.
“Eureka” Achievement
While publications can now be nominated for the Nobel Prize after the update, a bug currently prevents the “Eureka” achievement from being recognized.
Staying Alive
- Smart Choices: During missions, make informed decisions and avoid risky actions like taking drugs or igniting things near methane.
- RNG Factor: High chances of death might indicate consistently poor choices or simply bad luck.
- Cadet
- Captain
- Major
- General
Bitlife Astronaut Technical Training Answers
To graduate from the US Space Academy, Bitizens must pass technical, fitness, and flight training. The technical test uses multiple-choice questions; correct guesses boost your technical stats.
Expect 4-5 random questions from the list below during your test. Here are all the astronaut technical training questions and their correct answers.thumb_upthumb_down
Questions | Answers |
Stars are fueled by the nuclear fusion of what gas? | Hydrogen |
How do Astronauts sleep in zero gravity? | Microgravity Environment |
Who invented the telescope? | Hans Lippershey |
What does a light-year measure? | Distance |
How many astronauts have set foot on the moon? | 12 |
What is the closest star to Earth? | The Sun |
What is a constellation? | A Pattern of Stars |
How long does it take to travel from Earth to the Moon? | Three Days |
How many Earths can fit inside the Sun? | One Million |
Who was the first person to step foot on the Moon? | Neil Armstrong |
How old is the Earth? | About 4.5 billion years old |
What is a Meteorite? | Rock from space that hits Earth |
What makes it possible for Earth to orbit the Sun? | Gravity |
The Great Red Spot appears on which planet? | Jupiter |
What is the purpose of the solar panel on satellites? | To power the satellite |
How often does the Earth revolve around the Sun? | Once every 365 days |
What is the purpose of the nose cone on a rocket? | Reduce air resistance |
What is an astronaut’s maximum absorbency garment? | It’s a diaper |
Which is the most common propellant for a rocket? | Liquid Hydrogen |
What was the first mammal in space? | A dog |
What is the force that causes the plane to fly? | Lift |
What is the payload of a rocket? | The Cargo taken into space |
What is the speed of Light? | 300 million meters per second |
What is the name of our moon? | Moon |
Where did the Moon Landing take place in 1969? | The Sea of Tranquility |
Which planet is named after the Roman god of war? | Mars |
What is the official term for an astronaut’s spacesuit? | An Extravehicular Mobility Unit |
How long does it take the space station to orbit once around Earth? | 90 minutes |
How long does it take light from the Sun to reach Earth? | About eight minutes |
What keeps astronauts in place when sleeping in zero gravity? | Velcro |
At 450 degrees Celsius, which planet is the hottest in the solar system? | Venus |
What makes it possible for the Earth to orbit the Sun? | Sun’s gravitational pull |
What is the term for the left and right movement of a plane? | Yaw |
What is the reflective glass covering on an astronaut’s spacesuit called? | Visor |
What does the acronym LEO stand for? | Low-Earth Orbit |
What is the force that counteracts the Thrust force for flight? | Drag |
What’s the name for the point at which nothing can escape a black hole’s gravitational pull? | Event Horizon |
What is the name of the galaxy that will collide with the Milky Way someday? | Andromeda |
Which type of engine is used to maneuver spacecraft during flight and adjust their trajectory? | Maneuvering Thrusters |
What is the name of the robotic arm used by astronauts to manipulate objects outside the spacecraft? | Canadarm |
What keeps an astronaut attached to a spacecraft while on a spacewalk? | Tether System |
What is the name of the device that astronauts wear to regulate the flow of oxygen and remove carbon dioxide while in space? | Liquid Cooling & Ventilation Garment |
What is the name of the machine that simulates the effect of gravity on the human body? | Centrifuge |
What type of spacecraft is used to transport astronauts from Earth to and from the International Space Station? | Soyuz Spacecraft |
What is the name of the tool used by astronauts to collect samples of rock and soil from the surface of the moon? | Rock Hammer |
Which instrument measures the mix and concentration of the air astronauts breathe inside a spacecraft? | Oxygen Sensor |
What protective layer surrounds a rocket to protect it from the intense heat generated during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere? | The Heat Shield |