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    1. Make sure you have good looks. Get acting lessons at the age of 8, do it three times per age. Get social media accounts at age 13, challenge/dance videos gets you going viral with good looks. In high school participate in drama club. Then, once 18, apply as an extra. After that, get a talent agent and a role in a really bad movie and you should be good to go. This has so far always worked for me

    1. be beautiful, start taking acting lessons as soon as possible, be in a drama club it will increase your level in acting in addition to the lessons. I also advise you to find a part-time job. In case like if you struggle to just earn an income. then take all the opportunities as an extra so that we spot you if it doesn’t work audition in everything then advance the age and do the same thing again until you are offered a contract.

    2. If you can get into drama club in MS do that as well! And ALWAYS practice harder every year. You should get to be president

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