How to Get better Looks in Bitlife and Increase Fame

Ever wonder how to achieve that coveted 100% Looks rating in Bitlife? Or maybe you simply want to improve your character’s attractiveness and boost their overall appearance. This guide is your roadmap to unlocking your character’s full aesthetic potential!
While some Bitlife characters start with naturally stunning looks, others might need to put in a little extra effort. But don’t worry! Here, we’ll unveil valuable strategies to increase your Bitlife looks and transform your character from ordinary to extraordinary.
Looking good is just one piece of the puzzle! If you’re aiming for superstardom in Bitlife, this guide will delve into strategies to become a Bitlife superstar and increase your fame.
How to Reach 100% Looks in BitLife
The first thing we must state is that Looks are pretty difficult to increase, so you ought to roll a character with decent Looks so that there is less work needed to be done to reach the end goal. An important thing to note here is that not all of the activities that increase your Looks are available immediately, so you should spend your time investing in your Smarts when you are very young so that you can later land a great job that can actually fund your 100% Looks campaign in BitLife because some of the activities (such as plastic surgeries) are very pricy.
How To Increase Looks in BitLife For Free
You need to start going to the Gym as early as you can, and at least once each year. That may or may not increase your Looks by up to 4% (depending on the RNG factor) and is mostly a safe and stable way to increase your Looks slowly over time. You should also try visiting a beauty salon and spa centers, barbers (if your character is male), and more. There are plenty of ways to make this happen — BitLife is all about pushing your imagination to the limits.
Plastic surgeries are another way to raise your Looks towards the end goal of 100%. A lot of different procedures are offered to you but bear in mind that some of these may go south at random, which leaves your chances to have 100% Looks permanently ruined and leaves you with no other choice but to reroll the character and start over.
Why Is Having 100% Looks Important in BitLife?
There are plenty of reasons why being beautiful is important, unfortunately much like real life. No matter if you’re hoping to show the world that you’re Kenough in the Ken Enough Challenge, or you want to just see how differently people will treat you, there are many reasons why you should do this. Plus, you may find that people treat you much differently when you’re beautiful, so you can use that to your advantage in a variety of ways.
Why Would You Want 100% Looks in BitLife
No matter if you’re hoping to complete challenges like the Simpler Life, or if you want to ensure that your BitLife character is getting glances wherever they may roam, there are countless reasons why you would want your Looks to be this high. Maybe you may get a discount when going out to eat, due to the staff noticing your striking looks? Maybe you just want to be as vain as possible. BitLife lets you live out all of the fantasies you could imagine, so prepare yourself for anything and get ready to reach your goals.
We wish you good luck in attaining this goal and invite you to look through our other BitLife articles at the clickable game tag below, and find out how to become a Family Guy and earn a unique ribbon for your account!
Things That Increase Looks
Things That Decrease Looks
Following the Fame Update, a fame bar is introduced for characters with fame-related jobs. Maintaining a high fame bar makes it easier to win the Famous ribbon. Fame does not include boosts.
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